Why is it that Internetsex takes up so much of the bandwidth, of the WWW? So-called 'Adult' web sites cater to the level of interest of the puberescent adolescent? Why are they so in demand? This web site explores the XXX on the WWW as a symptom, a cry for help, a kind of self-medication, by a culture which has not be allowed to reach adulthood and maturity by an imposed sexual embargo. By whom? For which purpose? ... Let's explore and find out. Understanding the symptom gives the solution.


Cock and Pussy

What words do you know to describe the sexual organs?

Our culture is in an unhealthy state of denial: it does not talk about our sexuality, and sexual organs.

"Sex is taboo, and one is not supposed to speak of such matters".
Hushhhh! !!

Denial is a form of lying.
Whatever is denied is invoked.
Whatever is repressed is reinforced.
Lying causes ongoing chains of conflicts.

Why is it that our Western Culture denies and belies it sexual physical bodily nature?
What is the benefit? Who is the beneficiary?
By denying sex, sex becomes a tool for social control. By whom? For what?
See who instituted and executed the sexual taboos, and you'll get pretty close to understanding what they had to gain.

As a result of not speaking about sex, and avoiding the use of 'sexually explicit words', society is kept dumb; and in a sense is not allowed to grow up.
No wonder the raging hormones wage wars.

If you want to learn about yourself, then you need to know what (your) sexuality is.
Especially when hormones flood your body and reach your brain is is relevant to know what you are up against. And who you become, when your genitals take control.
Have you, too, already realised that (as so often) "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" has it totally the wrong way around?

"The Flesh is willing, but the spirit is weak!"

By understanding the body, your spirit can connect to your environment, which is part of the universe as a whole.
But in order to be able to do so, you need to be able to think about it, communicate about it, think about it. YOU NEED WORDS.

  • But, what words were you taught, hush, for all that has to do with sex?
  • How much of what you learned about sex was crude, harsh, disrespectful, violent?
  • How can a society be loving, in good contact with one another, if sex, thus bodily contact is shunned?
  • How can you be loving, and relaxed, when your hormones soar, but you have no language to communicate to others what goes on within you?

We need language.
We need to be able to communicate with others.
We need to be able too express what, really, goes on within us.
We need apt words to discuss sex.

We have a crippled language for sex.
Words do not mean what they say.
Look up Google image search, for the words Cock and Pussy.
You will not find roosters; and if you wish to see cats, type "puss" instead of pussy.

Can you add words that describe sexual/genital organs or actions, but have in themselves different meaning.

In order to be able to USE THIS BLOG AS DICTIONARY:
Please use the following format:

COCK = Penis

PUSSY = Vagina

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