Why is it that Internetsex takes up so much of the bandwidth, of the WWW? So-called 'Adult' web sites cater to the level of interest of the puberescent adolescent? Why are they so in demand? This web site explores the XXX on the WWW as a symptom, a cry for help, a kind of self-medication, by a culture which has not be allowed to reach adulthood and maturity by an imposed sexual embargo. By whom? For which purpose? ... Let's explore and find out. Understanding the symptom gives the solution.


InternetSex Therapy

Why is it so many people are offended about internetsex?

Do they not see the symptom, the cry for help?
Is it not clear that the bulk of internet bandwith goes to people who - sexually - never grew up; because they were not allowed to?

The western 'culture' objected against the Chinese Lily Feet; the stunted dwarfed 'bonsai' bindings that crippled the lives of many women. Why? For no good reason. Yet another culture who did not fully fathom Nature.
(Feet grow as they do for good reasons; developed over billions of years.)

There is a statement that i find i use more and more:

  • Instead of saying NO, offer an alternative for the sought solution.

Internetsex is a cry for help.
The people who rant against internet sex are in general also the ones who taboo-hoo'd sex.
They are not the ones to comment, because they cannot explain, because they themselves do not know the deep meaning of sex. Else they would know, and explain.
Often the people who deny sex, do so out of mistaken beliefs. They do what they were told.
They lack deeper understanding, because they did not know how.
They were forbidden to explore sex. And that is all they can offer. Pretense and denial.
It is for all these people, that other people made sexually explicit web sites.
Which are not at all sexually explicit; they are no more than pictures, and opinions.
They are quite unrelated to sex. Sex it an exchange that forms part of the universe as a whole.
That is also why sex needs to be understood: the role of sex is that fundamental.
'If sex was forbidden god would not have made it'.
In fact: people were kicked out of paradise, not over an issue of sex, but over an issue of denial.
Most of the debates about sex are not about sex, but about mind sets. Denial. Self-denials.

So, lets stop denying and pretending that sex does not exist.
All people are animals, sexual creatures.
It is something we need to live with, because it is something we live by.
It is that simple.

The Symptom leads the way to the Solution.
  • Medical practice is simple: if you wish to offer a cure, then you first need in depth understanding.
  • By understanding what Internet Sex 'is', what it means, what it stands for, it is possible to provide a solution.

Most internetsex is trivial, trite.
It is about people trying to learn about what they are not taught in school; especially sundayschools are not forthcoming on the issue.

It is not surprising that people wish to know.
  • Just stand up.
  • Drop your hands alongside your body.
  • Bring your hands together.
  • What do you feel?

  • it is evident that our body is not designed for us to be out of touch with sex.
So, why are so many people out of touch with their body, their sex?
That is why they seek sex.
They do not seek sex, they seek understanding.
They seek to understand themselves.

They? Who is they?
We do. I do. You do.

We all have a body.
We all have sex, built in. Once you reach puberty, your body will show you.
We all learn to live with sex.
We all live with sex, even if only in its denial...

If sex is part of us, the quest for understanding sex it not about sex at all.
It is about understanding ourselves.

Pornography does not explain this.
Pornography is just another industry, living off addiction, from denial.
Pornography is most often about just more priests abusing priestesses.
Pornography is but an income. It too is trivial, trite.

Pornography is but a crutch to get to know the crotch

Pornography disappears as soon as sex is learned and taught.
Pornography industry can offer all their insights, if only 'you' would let them.
Pornography experts understand sex: the human mind and human body.
Pornography experts could, can, become excellent teachers for spiritual sex.

If you do not believe this, look back in the past.
And wonder how so many medical textbooks appeared, in the wake of the concentration camps tortures...

The issue is simple:
The Problem IS the Solution.
Once the quest for understanding (Internet) sex is resolved,
the problem is "as if it never existed".
The quest for understanding of sex is met on the Internet, but in a warped way. Which turns it into an addiction
Internetsex is mainly a symptom that sex cannot be lived, because it is denied in our social life.

As soon as sex is socially and individually acceptable and accepted, the problem is gone.
People who live healthy sex lives, have no interest in watching it. For them seeing is not sex.

Sex is Social
It is the experience of sex that gives it meaning.
Sex offers the possibility for transcendence.
Self-transcendence, by interacting with another.
Transcendence, by the way sex is linked to the way the universe works.

Sex is one of the ways to enlightenment.
That is one of the reasons why sex is often forbidden.
(Priests lose their function when all have direct experience of god.)
(If all have the direct universal experience, than all ppeople are priests.)

Understood in this way,
Internet Sex is Therapy
It is the means by which - via the symptom - society seeks to understand the spiritual meaning of sex.

We are sexual, okay, so be it.
But sex is useless for us - we don't live much longer with or without it.
But humanity does: that is the organism for which sex matters.
Sex is an impersonal issue, at the individual level.
But for society as a whole, sex = survival.

Society shapes up by offering sexual understanding ...

This blog is intended as one of the ways towards that.

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