Some curse it.
Many, evidently - considering the amount of it - praise it.
Why is it that internetsex is so abundant, rampant?
Is it a form of selfmedication?
Is it a form of self-education?
This Blog proposes that both are the case.
There is a more basic question:
Why is sex so ill understood?
Why is sex used so often as means of control over the masses.
And why do the masses allow it.
Considering our bodies, and existence, sex is essential.
One thing you can be sure of: your parents had sex; else you would not exist.
But why is sex so ill understood, undiscussed; why are discussions so often silenced?
Considering the history of the western culture: 'the church had them by the balls'...
With what effect?
XXX now dominates the WWW, the bandwidth and the mind of the users.
The mind is like the stomach: what you feed it, it must digest.
Why not feed the mind with healthy sex 'food', instead of the - again - bulk mass fast food. Which does not nourish?
Minds that soak in sex, via the web, via TV, via advertising and print, become soaked in sex.
The mind, like the gut, does a lot of digestion: what you see, leaves after-images in your thinking. What you take in, you become.
Why is this culture so obsessed with sex, by denying it?
As the WWW shows: what you suppress - however long and strong - will pop up.
So, if the WWW is full of XXX, let's regard it as a sign, as a symptom.
What is it, this cry for help; this quest for understanding?
Is what the internet offers, really what is needed?
Or is what people seek not sex, but physical realisation?
The internet is full of sex; one needs to make an effort not to see it, to avoid it.
The internet is like a river full of flotsam, of a sexually shipwrecked culture.
But is what is offered, really sex?
Or is it a parody? A sham?
My suggestion is, that it is.
Sex is not something you see; it is something you do.
Sex has to do with living, and life: no one is born but through sex.
Sex has to do with mating, thus bonding: trust and connectedness are of the essence.
Sex has to do with the continuity of existence; not of the individual, but of the species.
- "The Private parts are meant to be shared"
This Blog starts with the premiss that
Without sex you don't die; you don't come to live.
Much of the 'sex' on the internet is not at all about sex.
It is simply a puberescent quest for understanding, in a culture of sexual denial.
Once people know what sex is, and how it is a way to enlightenment and love, how society could differ.
But who will tell 'society'? How will 'society' find out?
Left to itself, society will.
Society is not some vague monster, some amorphous anonymous being.
Society is composed of people.
YOU make society. How YOU live, creates society.
Perhaps it is time to get rid of the vice squads, and get ready for proper sexual education.
Perhaps it is time that the priests learn about sex, real sex, true sex, by and from true and real women. Priestesses of life.
No book knowledge, because books are written by people - always - but direct bodily understanding.
After all, if sex was unimportant, it would not be built into our body. And built-in it decidedly is: sex is a feature that determines the lives of individuals and cultures, for the greater part of their lives.
Yes, men do wake up with a morning erection.
And how different their life is if women know how to use and balance that sexual tension.
There is a fundamental principle in living beings, called "Charge Discharge".
Life makes use of charge potentials - of which sex is but one - as a force in creation.
- so, why not learn to use it?
Much of the Internet Sex is a parody, an inverted picture.
Instead of dressed, people are undressed.
Where laws prescribe (!) clothing, the internet shows holes.
Instead of sexual organs, all kinds of implements are shown which have nothing to do with sex.
Much of the Internetsex has to do with masturbation: if masturbation is so common - let's assume that everyone knows how to do it - why is it not part of our daily discussion?
Why is our natural sexuality, a creative force in/for procreation, left beyond debate, even denied?
Whatever is denied is evoked,
whatever is repressed, is strengthened.
So, create what you wish to experience...
Who are all those people parading on the internet web sites? Your waitress in the café? The busdriver that just dropped you off? Your boss? Your clergy?
Oops, the clergy have just been found out to be - all too - human too ...
But if being human is related to sex - it is what we come to life by - then why not respect it, honour it, celebrate (rather than masturmate) and understand it?
And lets get something straight (aye guys): it is the WOMEN that ARE THE BASIS OF HUMAN BEING.
Men are merely means for the Requisite natural variety, to keep human life stable in a changing context.
Over the course of time, this blog will add insights and info.
It will address the differences between cloning and sex, females and hemales.
It will explore the reasons for pornography, and how it thrives on denial.
It will also propose the alternative: healthy sex and healthy cultures.
In short: it proposes that, as a society, we grow up.
And come to learn, and live, our sexual potential.
Not to be driven by minute molecules, hormones (as some presidents show all to clearly), but truly integrate sex in our life and (cultural) being.
so, let's apply it.
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